6. Expressions

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6. Expressions

2024-07-15 17:25:48| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

6.3.4. Calls¶

A call calls a callable object (e.g., a function) with a possibly empty series of arguments:

call ::= primary "(" [argument_list [","] | comprehension] ")" argument_list ::= positional_arguments ["," starred_and_keywords] ["," keywords_arguments] | starred_and_keywords ["," keywords_arguments] | keywords_arguments positional_arguments ::= positional_item ("," positional_item)* positional_item ::= assignment_expression | "*" expression starred_and_keywords ::= ("*" expression | keyword_item) ("," "*" expression | "," keyword_item)* keywords_arguments ::= (keyword_item | "**" expression) ("," keyword_item | "," "**" expression)* keyword_item ::= identifier "=" expression

An optional trailing comma may be present after the positional and keyword arguments but does not affect the semantics.

The primary must evaluate to a callable object (user-defined functions, built-in functions, methods of built-in objects, class objects, methods of class instances, and all objects having a __call__() method are callable). All argument expressions are evaluated before the call is attempted. Please refer to section Function definitions for the syntax of formal parameter lists.

If keyword arguments are present, they are first converted to positional arguments, as follows. First, a list of unfilled slots is created for the formal parameters. If there are N positional arguments, they are placed in the first N slots. Next, for each keyword argument, the identifier is used to determine the corresponding slot (if the identifier is the same as the first formal parameter name, the first slot is used, and so on). If the slot is already filled, a TypeError exception is raised. Otherwise, the argument is placed in the slot, filling it (even if the expression is None, it fills the slot). When all arguments have been processed, the slots that are still unfilled are filled with the corresponding default value from the function definition. (Default values are calculated, once, when the function is defined; thus, a mutable object such as a list or dictionary used as default value will be shared by all calls that don’t specify an argument value for the corresponding slot; this should usually be avoided.) If there are any unfilled slots for which no default value is specified, a TypeError exception is raised. Otherwise, the list of filled slots is used as the argument list for the call.

CPython implementation detail: An implementation may provide built-in functions whose positional parameters do not have names, even if they are ‘named’ for the purpose of documentation, and which therefore cannot be supplied by keyword. In CPython, this is the case for functions implemented in C that use PyArg_ParseTuple() to parse their arguments.

If there are more positional arguments than there are formal parameter slots, a TypeError exception is raised, unless a formal parameter using the syntax *identifier is present; in this case, that formal parameter receives a tuple containing the excess positional arguments (or an empty tuple if there were no excess positional arguments).

If any keyword argument does not correspond to a formal parameter name, a TypeError exception is raised, unless a formal parameter using the syntax **identifier is present; in this case, that formal parameter receives a dictionary containing the excess keyword arguments (using the keywords as keys and the argument values as corresponding values), or a (new) empty dictionary if there were no excess keyword arguments.

If the syntax *expression appears in the function call, expression must evaluate to an iterable. Elements from these iterables are treated as if they were additional positional arguments. For the call f(x1, x2, *y, x3, x4), if y evaluates to a sequence y1, …, yM, this is equivalent to a call with M+4 positional arguments x1, x2, y1, …, yM, x3, x4.

A consequence of this is that although the *expression syntax may appear after explicit keyword arguments, it is processed before the keyword arguments (and any **expression arguments – see below). So:

>>> def f(a, b): ... print(a, b) ... >>> f(b=1, *(2,)) 2 1 >>> f(a=1, *(2,)) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in TypeError: f() got multiple values for keyword argument 'a' >>> f(1, *(2,)) 1 2

It is unusual for both keyword arguments and the *expression syntax to be used in the same call, so in practice this confusion does not often arise.

If the syntax **expression appears in the function call, expression must evaluate to a mapping, the contents of which are treated as additional keyword arguments. If a parameter matching a key has already been given a value (by an explicit keyword argument, or from another unpacking), a TypeError exception is raised.

When **expression is used, each key in this mapping must be a string. Each value from the mapping is assigned to the first formal parameter eligible for keyword assignment whose name is equal to the key. A key need not be a Python identifier (e.g. "max-temp °F" is acceptable, although it will not match any formal parameter that could be declared). If there is no match to a formal parameter the key-value pair is collected by the ** parameter, if there is one, or if there is not, a TypeError exception is raised.

Formal parameters using the syntax *identifier or **identifier cannot be used as positional argument slots or as keyword argument names.

Changed in version 3.5: Function calls accept any number of * and ** unpackings, positional arguments may follow iterable unpackings (*), and keyword arguments may follow dictionary unpackings (**). Originally proposed by PEP 448.

A call always returns some value, possibly None, unless it raises an exception. How this value is computed depends on the type of the callable object.

If it is—

a user-defined function:

The code block for the function is executed, passing it the argument list. The first thing the code block will do is bind the formal parameters to the arguments; this is described in section Function definitions. When the code block executes a return statement, this specifies the return value of the function call.

a built-in function or method:

The result is up to the interpreter; see Built-in Functions for the descriptions of built-in functions and methods.

a class object:

A new instance of that class is returned.

a class instance method:

The corresponding user-defined function is called, with an argument list that is one longer than the argument list of the call: the instance becomes the first argument.

a class instance:

The class must define a __call__() method; the effect is then the same as if that method was called.






01、赛默飞世尔科技(热电)Thermo Fisher Scientif



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